On this page you will find little challenges to keep your tennis skills up at home. Players attending group coaching should watch and practice the first five videos until they have made good progress. There maybe some help needed with a partner (parent, sibling, friend etc) but each video is only a few minutes long making practice achievable.
Foundation practice
To help keep track of your progress DOWNLOAD the Tennis Practice Worksheet
- Practice your ready position.
2. Get ready with these Reaction Drills.
3. Practice with a racket and ball with our Racket Skills video
4) Tennis requires players to be able to read the incoming ball so throwing and catching skills are hugely important in helping players receiving skills. Get a partner and practice throwing and catching.
5) Now you are ready and you have improved your skills let’s improve your sending and receiving skills. In this video (as in all) it is important to make sure the player achieves success before moving onto the next part.
Tennis practice advanced
Once you have mastered the basics it’s time to take your game to the next level. Although the mini tennis system has age group ratings it is about mastering the levels. As a rough guidance red = under 8s, orange 9 and under and green 10 and under. The programmes are progressive having an increase in challenge as well as the court size. If you’re not sure where to start go through the foundation practice and then speak to your coach for their advice.
Before taking on the challenge please look at the Champion player conduct and complete the Player checklist
Champion player conduct | Player Checklist |
Now you’ve completed the above, download the training session that’s right for you. This has been designed as a two sessions a week training block for 12 weeks but can be adapted and worked through at the players own pace. If following the twice a week schedule you will alternate between Part 1 and Part two. If you have any Qs please speak to your coach but this has been designed to take the player on their own reflective journey with initial focus, training and reflection. Before and after each session players should warm up ready to perform and stretch to promote recovery, good luck!
The Red Programme | The Orange Programme | The Green Programme |
Red Training Session Part 1 | Orange Training Session Part 1 | Green Training Session Part 1 |
Red Training Session Part 2 | Orange Training Session Part 2 | Green Training Session Part 2 |
Practice against a wall
If you have an outdoor wall and it’s safe and you have parents permission you can also have a go at the wall drill series.
Practicing against the wall is a great way to improve many elements of your game without the need to have a partner. There is 50 in total which I have broken down into sets of 10 with little challenges, I hope you enjoy them and with practice they will transform your game! Kevin
Download The Wall Drills worksheet here and challenge yourself!
Part 1/5 of a series of drills to practice against a hitting wall. Part one consists of a variation of topspin ground stroke combinations and is developed as a base level to build on
Part 2 of the Wall series looks at the same drill combinations and challenges as Part 1 but using slice forehands and backhands.
Part 3 of the Wall series looks at changing grips and spins combining Topspin shots (T-spin) and Slice. If you are a newer player becoming comfortable with building consistency with Slice and Topspin on there own is advised (Parts 1 & 2).
Part 4 of the wall series moves away from ground stroke combinations to volley combinations. When practicing these it is advised to use and get comfortable with the chopper grip.
In part 5 of the wall drills we work on harder variations of part fours volley drills. Taking some drills from 31-40 we look at different heights and distances to develop better hands on the volley.