Children with their rackets standing and sitting infront of members of Wells Tennis Clubs committee

Wells Tennis Club Open Day 2018

The Tennis Club held their annual Open Day on Saturday April 21st.  A very successful event even though the weather tried to sabotage the day with a heavy downpour at lunchtime.

There was a good turn out for all Junior Coaching sessions in the morning run by Kevin and ably assisted by Dave Mills, Mens capt. Each Junior, new and existing, received a free T- shirt kindly sponsored by Crest Nicholson.

The adult coaching was well supported with several potential new members. It was good to see all the courts in use throughout the day and visitors of all ages were able to take part in the organised sessions or free play.

There was a prize draw with prizes of a racket cover, two coaching sessions, a reduced membership subscription and two colourful racket dampeners.

New members were offered a free month’s trial of club’s facilities with the option of joining after that time.

The club feels that the Open Day was a great opportunity to introduce newcomers and returners of all ages to the club and with Kevin’s leadership and commitment we are confident that it will widen the scope of potential players.

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