Players at Wells Tennis Club who entered the 100+ tournament
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100 + Tournament

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, 7 mixed pairs whose combined ages totalled at least 100 years competed against each other in a round robin tournament.  Each match consisted of 5 games with a sudden death deuce.  At the end of an enjoyable and hard-fought afternoon, the results were as follows:-  First on 24 games were Binkie Heather and Matt Goatcher, second with 22 games were Di Lyons and Martyn Holliday, third with 19 games were Clare Mather and Brian Clarke and forth with 18 games were Ruth Angelinetta and Colin Blatchford-Brown.  The winners were presented with the 100+ trophy originally donated by Brian Smith.

Matt and Binkie, winners of the 100+ Winners Binkie Heather and Matt Goatcher with the 100+ trophy.


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