Welcome back to Tennis at Wells
We’re delighted that we are able to open the courts for our members from Saturday 16th May, having completed a full risk assessment.
The first stage of re-opening allows court use for members in booked slots – either for singles play or doubles in household groups.
For our club to operate safely please read and observe the LTA playing guidelines at all times – https://www.lta.org.uk/globalassets/news/2020/lta-guidance-for-tennis-players—covid-19.pdf
Notices will be posted at the courts to remind players of their responsibilities towards each other.
Further to the LTA guidelines please note:
* a new booking system is in place for five courts. You can book from today for an hour slot at www.wellstc.co.uk with your British Tennis Membership login;
* please avoid “turn up and play” – booked courts only at this stage
* the club house will remain closed until further notice;
* each player must bring their own balls marked for identification;
* the first aid kit will be located in the light box (by court 2)
* the club is sourcing hand sanitizer, in the meantime please bring your own.
Thank-you for renewing your membership. If you paid in full before April there will be a reduced rate next year and if your direct debit was paused it will resume in July to account for two months lost play. If you haven’t yet renewed and wish to resume playing, please contact our membership officer, Clare Mather.
In due course we hope to be able to open your club more fully. In the meantime, I hope you can take the opportunity very soon to get on court and enjoy your sport again.
If you have any queries, please use the ‘contact us’ box on the website.
Best wishes,
Dan Cooke
Chairman, Wells TC.