Members of Wells Tennis Club standing on the clay court wearing black and white.

President’s vs Chair Tournament 2022

The Wells Tennis Club’s Chair versus President’s Mixed Doubles Tournament was held on Saturday 26th November for the first time in four years. Covid and bad weather had caused the delay and the latter nearly cancelled it again. However, despite the steady drizzle, the two teams of ten played through the rain with a lot of laughter and relief that the new clay courts played well in the rain without any puddles forming!

Colin’s (Chair) team played in black and Tasha’s (President) in white at the suggestion of one of our newer members, Odie, whose passion and determination to have fun enhanced the afternoon and perhaps ensured that the Chair’s team won by 9 games. Once the match had finished, the President handed over the Shield to Colin for him to keep for a year and then it was back to the clubhouse for some refreshments.

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