Wells Tennis Club ladies competing in the Presidents Ladies Cup
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Ladies’ President’s Tournament 2016

A move to a Spring fixture saw a record number of women take part in the Wells Ladies’ Presidents Tournament on Saturday 7th May.

Warm conditions with plenty of sunshine meant that a fantastic selection of cakes could be enjoyed between matches outside on flower-decked tables.

With pairs drawn from a hat, the format for the tournament saw 20 competitors play nine rounds of doubles each over two hours.   Each round consisted of four games with a sudden death point at deuce to keep everything moving along.

Winners of the Presidents Ladies Cup Sarah Montagnon and Linda Hall being presented the shield by club president Tasha Smith
With only one point difference between first and second place Sarah Montagnon and Linda Hall gained 24 overall points to take the shield for 2016.

 Club President Tasha Smith said:

“I’d like to thank everyone who helped with scoring and refreshments, Jeannie and Clare for the smooth running of the event on Saturday and for a good turn-out of players.  We couldn’t have hoped for better weather to play and watch some great tennis.”

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