May Newsletter
Welcome to our summer newsletter. However dedicated many of us are to playing tennis throughout the year, in all seasons and weathers, I think we all especially enjoy playing with some warm sunshine on our backs, and the challenge of a low sun in our eyeline as we play long into the summer evenings! Bring it on.
For a good number of our members, our tennis now gets serious as the summer leagues kick off. It’s great that we have such a healthy number of competing teams (four women’s and men’s teams again this year) and a good depth of quality and commitment from our players – good luck to all.
Of course, there are plenty of other opportunities to enjoy a set or two if you’re not involved in the league matches. Our own club competitions are open to everyone, and offer a great chance to pit your wits against club players of all abilities. Get your name on the board if you fancy a bash, and who knows, we might see you competing in September at our finals day.
I know that our coach, Kevin, also enjoys the sunshine as he’s out on court more than all of us. Our club coaching programme goes from strength to strength – so whether you want to join the fun of rusty rackets on a Wednesday, get a few personal hints and tips to improve your game through an individual coaching session, or get fit and have fun at a cardio tennis session, just check the website or ask Kevin.
Hopefully we’ll also see a few more faces on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings for our social tennis sessions now the sun’s (occasionally) shining down on us. Membership levels are looking healthy (thanks to everyone for renewing so promptly), but you can always bring a friend along to give it a try.
Lastly, an update on the proposed location. The plans took a temporary setback when the original preferred developer pulled out, but things are back on track. We’re working with our project partners to finalise designs and costings and the rugby club is determined to stick with their original schedule and begin work on the Haybridge site later this year. Our committee, relocation working group and wider members are out there talking to other clubs that have recently delivered new facilities, trying out different court surfaces and fine tuning our business plan. We’ll hopefully be in a position to share details in the coming months. IN the meantime if you have any ideas or queries, please talk to us!
See you on court.
Dan Cooke Chairman,
Wells TC May 2018
Captains and competitions
Ladies Summer League
The Ladies are looking forward to the Summer League and once again Wells TC will be fielding 4 ladies teams. It is lovely to have both established and new players competing for the club. The A Team are in Division 2, B Team in Division 3, C Team in Division 5 and D Team in Division 7.
We have started the season really well with the As, Bs and Ds all winning and even though the C Team lost overall, they got some great points on the board. I would like to thank all the Team Captains for rallying their teams and all the players for taking part and hopefully having some fun tennis and a successful season!
Julia Nest, Ladies’ Captain
Men’s Summer League.
As the Summer is fast approaching so too is the Men’s League Season. After winning division 2 last year and gaining promotion, our A Team is now set to battle it out at the top. The team also welcomes new member, Jon Parsons, who will be a great asset to the A Team.
The B and C Teams find themselves in the same division once more and are set to continue their rivalry. Not only will they be keeping an eye on each other’s weekly results, there is also the prospect of the two League clashes. We’ll be watching out for the results of those!
The D’s will be aiming for promotion, after getting relegated last year by just one point.
Good luck to all players and looking forward to a Summer of competitive tennis.
Dave Mills, Men’s Captain
A short reminder, that I cover the role of Welfare Officer for the Wells Tennis Club.
This involves making sure our commitment to safeguarding and protecting all children, young people and adults at when at our club is followed. If you have concerns about safeguarding issues related to Wells Tennis Club, you can contact me by email or by telephone 01749 671202. Any conversation will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Caroline Moule
Welcome to our new vice-chair
The committee has welcomed Colin Blatchford-Brown as its new vice-chair.
Colin joined the club four years ago, getting into the game through the Wednesday night ‘Rusty Rackets’ coaching. In his new role he will be supporting the club through its relocation project.
Diary Dates
July Saturday 21: Great British Tennis Weekend Sunday 22: Chair vs President tournament
September Saturday 8th: President Ladies Tournament Sunday 23: Club championship finals
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